The title track sets the scene for this transatlantic marriage of understated Old Timey Bluegrass style music tying the knot with some cool British Humour. Must be something about AbnerTurnipseed and Reg Troubshort spending a few formative years over leisurely cream teas idly plucking strings at West Country festivals with Dartmoor breezes tickling their brain cells.
Here we have more than an album: we have an entertainment sensitive to the listener wanting their tea to be unhurried and their scones to be of the finest quality with a perfect balance of spices. The banjo opens the show soon joined by the mellow sound of the Tea Chest Bass, and yes, it is a real Tea Chest! A bit of whistling and then we are off with the Bold Yoghurt Maker; Abner’s songs sort of creep up on you: he’ll be in a pub and the young girls on a night out will momentarily catch a phrase and can’t resist seeing where this unlikely tale is going to lead, and then of course overwhelm Abner with floods of kisses.
Strings of the banjo, bass, mandola, guitar and enchanting dulcimer carry us through with sundry noises and vocals taking their turn. If you are looking for gloom this ain’t the CD for you: Reg’s search for a Mackesons is about as desperate as it gets; and as for moralising that gets covered by “ stealing from the rich and giving to the blonde”. As we finish that last treasured bit of scone words change from being a mere vocal instrument to telling us of the wild culinary enterprises of Hong Kong Johnson, and then as we fold our napkin we feel a warm glow from the sheer simplicity of ‘After the snow has gone’. This is quality entertainment, but beware, it is contagious!
We had Dark Clouds Over Didcot reviewed by Maverick Magazine who said we had “instrumentation worthy of the best US string bands” but also compared us to Morris Men with cod Western accents. We don’t like being described as Morris Men, just as they would not think much of being likened to us.
If any folks from Maverick Magazine want to come and see us you will see we definitely ain’t got nothing to do with Morris Men! And we our proud of our cod western accents, whatever that means! We do mention cod in our Bold Yogurt Maker track.